The fourth week

It has already been a month since I came to Tampere, I can’t believe that time is flying by so fast. But yeah, this last week i have been working a bit more in the lab on my own. I did the same things as i’ve been doing with my supervisor, genotyping zebrafish and also i learned how to set up breedings for the fish and how to care for the embryos and larvae. when I’m not working in the lab I usually read up on articles involving subject that is will be working on when the project finally starts. I’m really looking forward to that.

The temperature has been slowly rising this past week to about 5°C, which I think is a bit disappointing because I really love the winter and the cold, also because of that I don’t exactly trust iceskating on the lake anymore because I was walking along the shore of the lake and I saw that the ice was starting to melt and crack. For the rest I went to the city centre again to the market hall, this time it was way busier than last time. I din’t buy that smoked fish, but I did buy this delicious bread and a meh sweet treat from the bakery in the markethall. After eating something I went to a pub because I really like beer and wanted to try some Finnish beers. It was a bit expensive but something positive did come out of my visit, I made friends with the bartender and he gave me some good options and some lesser options. I came to know that his main place of work is another bar and he said I should come by because it is cheaper there, I also get 20% off because I’m a student. Then on sunday I cleaned my room a bit and mostly read, it was a calm day.

Lastly I want to give some tips for should you go on an erasmus internship. Be proactive in your learning, when you do an internship chances are that you have to write a thesis so read articles about the subject you’re working on and don’t be afraid to ask your supervisor if they have any articles you can read. Balance is key, even though I just said to be proactive make sure you don’t over do it because overworking just leads to you doing less in the long run, so make sure to go out have some fun, do a sport or just laze around for the day because these days are in my opinion also important to make sure you don’t burn out.


The third week